
Pattern For Building a Resilient Organization

Here’s why I am not disappointed when only 9 people show up to a workshop that hundreds were invited to . . .
Because over 80 more showed up on Zoom.

  • Watching how a discussion outline with only a handful of slides planned for 45 minutes goes over an hour, with only half the material covered because people stayed to talk about ideas.
  • Considering that among those in-person attendees, one is visibly moved emotionally, and another gets her first hug in two and a half years from someone not a family member.
  • When feedback from response emails informs so many topics to go deeper on next time results in registering two added months of engagement.

That was our experience with a local company that invited all their U.S. branches to take part in one of our workshops. Participants were given options to attend remotely from other time zones (or some living locally that hadn’t been inclined to Return To Work) or enjoy a luncheon together in person before the session started. The company had been trying to encourage in-office collaboration to resume, so it seemed the perfect opportunity to invite all to come who could, and tie in the rest of the country remotely.

They had been experiencing single-digit engagement quarterly, and would have access to monthly funding from their insurance carrier to cover programs if they could increase participation. We worked together to develop themes that both leadership and the employees would find high-value, as well as ease some of the complications facing their #HR staff. Then we promoted it heavily as a guided relatable discussion, where inclusion could regenerate that sense of belonging. That’s how we turned single-digit engagement quarterly into about 100 for 3 months straight.

How can your company benefit from something like this?

Can we introduce employees to all the benefits they have access to that they may not know about?

Are you experiencing growing pains? M&A testing the limits of your expandable culture?

What actionable hope for advancement can we provide your employees that will boost employee retention?

Please contact us to set up a discovery call and get the conversation started.

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